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ACMHN Mental Health Nurse of the Year Award

Do you know a colleague that has accomplished an outstanding role as a mental health nurse? Has your mental health nurse performed exceptionally in their role? 

The Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN) extends an invitation to all members and consumers for nominations for the Mental Health Nurse of the Year.


This prestigious award was established in 2008 to publicly recognise the achievements of mental health nurses, encourage professional development amongst mental health nurses, and promote the importance of mental health nursing as a specialty.

The ACMHN will provide the winner with a registration, economy airfare and accommodation at its 43rd International Mental Health Nursing Conference, to be held in Hobart from 25-27 October 2017. In addition, co-sponsor Wiley-Blackwell will provide a cash prize of $1,500 and a book voucher for $500.


Download the ACMHN Mental Health Nurse of the Year nomination form here






ACMHN's Mental Health Nurse Achievement Award

The purpose of the Mental Health Nurse Achievement Award (MHNAA) is to recognise publicly the achievements of mental health nurses, encourage professional development amongst mental health nurses, and promote the importance of mental health nursing as a speciality.


The MHNAA will be awarded to a mental health nurse who is beginning to be recognised nationally for their leadership as a clinician, manager, educator or researcher. For example, early career researchers, clinicians, managers or educators who are making innovative changes in practice or pushing the boundaries of scope of practice.


The ACMHN will provide the winner with a registration, economy airfare and accommodation at its 43rd International Mental Health Nursing Conference, to be held in Hobart from 25-27 October 2017. In addition, co-sponsors Curtin University, WA will provide a cash prize of $1,000 and Wiley-Blackwell will provide a book voucher for $500.


Download ACMHN Mental Health Nurse Achievement Award nomination form here



Conference Awards

For eligibility requirements for Conference Awards please click here


The Research Award

The Research Award is presented to the best research paper presented.
To be eligible for the ACMHN Research Award, the abstract must report on a research project that is completed or a completed section of a program of research and that the research has ethical approval, or quality improvement (minimal risk) approval or is a systematic review or a quality improvement project.
The Research Award winner will take home a cash prize.












The Stan Alchin Award

The Stan Alchin Award is presented to the best clinical paper presented by a clinician or group of clinicians.
To be eligible for the ACMHN Stan Alchin Award it is a requirement that presenters and authors are clinicians.
The Stan Alchin Award winner will take home a cash prize.

Best Presentation in a General Category Award
The General Award is presented for the best paper presented reporting on management/administration/policy issues, project work, Masters, PhD or other research that does not meet the criteria for the Research Award and the Stan Alchin Award.
The winner will take home a cash prize.

Best First Time Presenter Award
The Best First Time Presenter Award is presented to the individual who has never presented at an international Conference/Conference with more than 200 delegates before.
They must be presenting for the first time outside of their organisation/place of work/tertiary institution.

The winner will take home a cash prize.

Best Poster Award
Posters are assessed and the best one of the lot will take home a cash prize. 

For eligibility requirements for these awards please click here

The ACMHN Mental Health Nurse of the Year Award is sponsored by:

The Research Award is co-sponsored by:

The ACMHN Mental Health Nurse Achievement Award is co-sponsored by:

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