Date: Wednesday 25 October 2017
Time: 3:30 - 5 pm
Cost: Free
RSVP: Required for seating availability
Dress: Smart casual
The Oration and Investiture Ceremony is the formal part of the Conference where new members, Life Members and Fellows are invested into
the College by the President on behalf of the Board of Directors.
Date: Wednesday 25 October 2017
Time: 5 - 6 pm
Cost: Included in all 3-day registrations.
Tickets can be purchased for single day registrants and partners for $50.
Dress: Smart casual
RSVP: Required for seating availability
The Welcome Reception provides member and non-members, delegates and presenters with an opportunity to celebrate the opening of the
Conference. This is a wonderful chance to network and catch up with old friends and new in a relaxed and social environment. Drinks and
canapes will be served.
Date: Thursday 26 October 2017
Time: 8:30am - 10:30am (breakfast served at 8:30am)
Cost: Inclusive for all delegates
RSVP: Required for catering purposes
The AGM Breakfast and Members Forum is included in all 3 day registrations. If you wish to have breakfast at the AGM, you must register for
this, seats are limited. The breakfast is a ticketed event and will not be served to those in attendance at the AGM who do not have a ticket.
Breakfast will only be served during the times of 8:30am to 9:30am, if you arrive after this time breakfast will no longer be available.
Date: Thursday 26 October 2017
Time: 6:45 pm arrival for a 7:00 pm start. Finishes at 11:30 pm
Cost: $100 for 3 day registrants, $120 for additional
tickets/single day registrants
RSVP: Required for catering purposes
The not to be missed Conference Dinner will be held on Thursday 26 October at the Hobart Function and Conference Centre and will feature
a two-course meal, entertainment and plenty of good times.