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Dear Colleagues,

As the Scientific Coordinator for the ACMHNs 2017 International Mental Health Nursing Conference, it gives me great pleasure to release the final draft of the conference program.


We have had some excellent submissions this year and I think that we have pulled together a program that is innovative, interesting and represents the best of contemporary mental health nursing education, research and practice.


In addition to a large number of excellent presentations from mental health nurses from around Australia and internationally, we have some really exciting keynotes. You will have seen the keynotes released over the past few months, but just to remind you, we have Karina Lovell, Mark Montebello, Mike Hazelton, Sally Buchanan-Hagen, Niels Buus and Bethne Hart, and a number of really informative skills-development workshops the day before the conference.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the volunteer reviewers who reviewed the abstracts through our online system. The peer review process is double blind and abstracts are allocated to the program based on their ranked score by two reviewers - so the development of the program is extremely robust and guarantees a high-quality program.


Coming to the conference is not only an excellent networking and knowledge development opportunity, you can also claim up to 15 hours worth of CPD points, depending on the various components of the program that you attend.

I warmly invite you to attend and look forward to meeting you in Hobart in October for this premier mental health nursing event.

Kind regards,



Professor Eimear Muir-Cochrane

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